Partnership: Erik Sterck and Adfinis work together 

Leonberg/Bern, August 1, 2023  System house Erik Sterck GmbH ("Erik Sterck") is looking to expand its DevOps business by entering into a partnership with Swiss company Adfinis AG ("Adfinis"). The open source specialist is thus strengthening its presence in the German market and leveraging joint synergies. 

Cloud-native solutions are playing an increasingly important role with regard to new digital business models. The DevOps division has also proven to be a growth factor for Erik Sterck in recent years. By joining forces, this is now to be focused and strengthened together with Adfinis. As a result, Erik Sterck and Adfinis are entering into an intensified sales partnership when it comes to container and Kubernetes solutions as well as hybrid and multicloud offerings. Erik Sterck will use the Adfinis portfolio in sales and thus offer a broader service and portfolio package, enabling more customers to be served. 

Adfinis is launching on the German market with its own company (Adfinis GmbH) and a dedicated team consisting of the two DevOps specialists Ralf Scharly and Sascha Zimmer, who come from Erik Sterck and will be responsible for Adfinis' German business together with Michael Moser (CGO Adfinis).

"Our goal is to take the next big step in the DevOps automation business area through this collaboration and to expand it massively. We are very pleased to have found a strong and broad-based partner for this, with whose help we will strengthen our performance and our portfolio," says Erik Sterck, Managing Director of Erik Sterck GmbH. 

Michael Moser, Chief Strategy & Growth Officer of Adfinis AG, says: "Our strategic goal is to offer our customers a first-class local service and at the same time expand our presence in the European market. In Erik Sterck, we have found a competent partner who shares the same vision and with whom we want to grow together in Germany." 

Further information on Erik Sterck GmbH can be found at 

Further information on Adfinis can be found at

Press contactIsabelle Hübner
echolot public relations
Mobile: +49 160 6192247 
